Photo of Dr. Valerie Irvine

Projects and Final Reports

Edward Doolittle, Department of Science, First Nations University of Canada

Project: Enhancing Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching with Computer Generated Diagrams

The purpose of this project is to systematically investigate and disseminate best practices for the use of computer generated colour diagrams in mathematics teaching materials (Beamer/PowerPoint presentations, problem sets, solutions, tests and exams) at First Nations University and the University of Regina.

Kyle Hodder, Department of Geography

Final Report: An Evaluation of Arts CARES

The goal of this project is to foster community service-learning in the Faculty of Arts. Service-learning programs are demonstrated to enhance student learning (Astin and Sax 1998; Zhao and Kuh 2004), with the added dividends of helping students to become more engaged with their communities and to become more active citizens

Kathleen Irwin, Theatre Department & Rachelle Viader Knowles, Intermedia, Visual Arts Department

Final Report: Introducing Cosmopolitanism into Fine Arts Classrooms through Digital Networks

This project proposes to investigate “intercultural dialogue” through opening digital networks between students in different parts of the world specifically examining the arts as a means of addressing the ethical questions, relevant to artists in the classroom and society in general – how and to what degree are we responsible for others and how far do we extend kindness to strangers?

Xia Ji, Faculty of Education

The goal of this project is to demystify science and in that process empower pre-service elementary teachers through hands-on experience with science in the science methods class. Through building a power pedal energy bike and engaging with community energy education students will hopefully develop a more positive attitude toward science and be more committed to science education and environmental education in their own professional practices.

Twyla Salm, Faculty of Education & Sandra Bassendowski, College of Nursing, U of S

Final Report: Evaluating the Pedagogical Significance of an Instructional Strategy on Second Life as a teaching and Learning Space for Students

This project will explore the use and evaluation of virtual worlds such as Second Life as an instructional strategy. The research question for this project is as follows: What is the pedagogical significance of using an instructional strategy in a virtual world, such as Second Life, as a teaching and learning space for students and faculty? This project has several objectives: Students and faculty will have an opportunity to experience interactions and an instructional strategy in a simulation-based environment that builds on or enhances learning outcomes from traditional or blended learning environments and is consistent with theory of constructivist learning; this project will provide the evaluation of an instructional strategy designed specifically for use on Second Life. The co-investigators will have an opportunity to determine if there are differences in results from feedback from education and nursing students and faculty; to evaluate and demonstrate the advantages of designing and implementing inter-professional education sites on Second Life; and to share information and exchange knowledge and add to the current body of knowledge about the educational value of virtual worlds.

Marc Spooner, Faculty of Education

Final Report: Inter-institutional Collaborations and Learning-Enhanced Re-presentations of Lectures

This project is an extension of a previously funded Teaching and Learning Scholar Project (2006-2008). This project seeks to explore the combination and best of: a) inter-institutional team teaching approaches, b) videoconference/web-enables guest appearances, c) and digitally captured classroom interactions and other Web 2.0 applications as complementary new medial tools employed to enhance the learning experience.