Register for Upcoming Events

Upcoming Webinars

September 19, 2024 @11:00 a.m. (Sask Time): Dr. David Wiley, CEO Lumen Learning. Register Here

October 22, 2024 @1:00 p.m. (Sask Time): Dr. John Willinsky, Director of the Public wledge Project. Register Here

December 11, 2024 @1:30 p.m. (Sask Time): Alan Levine, Director of Open Education Global Community. Register Here

March 3, 2025 @1:00 p.m. (Sask Time): Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons. (details pending)

2024/2025 Webinars

Presentation Title/Abstract/Presenters

Video Recording

Fall 2024: Why Open Education will become Generative AI Education

Dr. David Wiley, CEO Lumen Learning

Abstract: For over 25 years, the primary goal of the open education movement has been increasing access to educational opportunity. And from the beginning of the movement the primary tactic for accomplishing this goal has been creating and sharing OER. However, using generative AI is a demonstrably more powerful and effective way to increase access to educational opportunity. Consequently, if we are to remain true to our overall goal, we must begin shifting our focus from OER to generative AI.

Recording will be located here

Fall 2024: What are the Paths to Sustainable and Universal Open Access?

Dr. John Willinsky, Director of the Public Knowledge Project

Abstract: After working on various strategies for facilitating open access to research and scholarship over the last 26 years, thinks it worthwhile pausing at this point to clarify the rationale and goals for open access. He will also consider why, after open access proved so valuable in fighting the pandemic, we are moving as slowly and expensively, in his estimation, toward making open access the standard for the circulation of research. And, finally, he will invite listeners to this talk to consider joining him in attempting to speed up the achievement of this widely shared goal through a variety of strategies.

Recording will be located here

Fall 2024: TBD

Fall 2024: Kitchen Tips and Tricks: Cooking and Spicing Up OERs with H5P Online 

Alan Levine, Director of Innovation and Community Engagement at Open Education Global (

Abstract: Using the metaphor of cooking, Open Educational Resources (OER) can be thought of as fine meals, but how can you make them maybe even better?  Come for a tasting from the H5P Kitchen project (,  a tool for adding interactive practice activities to your OERs, ideally to reinforce learning through hands on activities. H5P is not tied to a single platform, what you produce is web-standard content that can be exported, shared, and remixed for use elsewhere including Pressbooks and learning management systems. You will discover how to find examples of H5P used in your discipline to give you ideas for what is possible, see some clever recipes created by other educators, and learn from a few tips and techniques that you do not find in the usual listing of tools.

Recording will be located here

Winter 2025: TBD

Winter 2025: TBD

Winter 2025: Open Education Week

Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons.

Recording will be located here

Spring 2025: TBD